Friday 17 April 2009

Please Reveal Your Plan For Me

reveal your plan

Dear God,

Please reveal your plan for me. I am at a crossroads now where I feel that it is time for me to embark on the work I am destined to do. I feel like I have been preparing for this my whole adult life. Something in me knows that all of the challenges and crisises I have suffered in my life have been training to prepare me for something greater. But I am ready now. I feel stronger and more confident and grounded than I ever have in my life. I know I am ready. Please show me the way. My life demands it. The old path has crumbled away now and I pray now that the way forward will rise out of the ashes. Before I go I thank for my precious little boys, little rays of light who have been the instruments through which I have grown. Becoming a mother took me to the edge in every way, but out of that crisis came a new person. A woman, rather than a girl. Thank you for my wonderful husband, who has been the most incredible unwavering support in my life. I hope that the next part of our journey brings us the career success and prosperity we have both worked so hard for.